See Landsat 7 ETM+ for information on the product types and processing templates that support the higher-level science data products.īy default, the bands will be ordered sequentially-the first band in the source will be the first band in the raster added to the mosaic dataset, and so on. In addition to these processing templates, Landsat 4-5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+, and Landsat 8 raster types support higher-level science data products including the Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD). For example, for Landsat 7, there will be a single row in the mosaic dataset representing bands 6a and 6b. Thermal-The thermal bands are added as a single raster dataset in the mosaic dataset.That way, the mosaicked image will not be pan sharpened when you zoom out beyond the resolution of the panchromatic image. For example, for Landsat, a multispectral group will be added, but it will have a minimum pixel size set to the maximum pixel size of the panchromatic image. Pansharpen and Multispectral-The standard combination of multispectral and panchromatic bands added to the mosaic dataset.This generally results in a four-band mosaic dataset using the red, green, blue, infrared, and panchromatic bands. Pansharpen-The bands used to generate the pan-sharpened product are added to the mosaic dataset.For example, for Landsat 7, there will be a single row in the mosaic dataset representing bands 1 through 5 and 7. Multispectral-The multispectral bands are added as a single raster dataset in the mosaic dataset.For example, for Landsat 7, only band 8 is added. Panchromatic-Only the panchromatic band is added to the mosaic dataset.A field is added to the attribute table named Tag, which identifies the group each band belongs to, for example, Pan for panchromatic, MS for multispectral, and Thermal for the thermal bands. For example, for Landsat 7, three entries will be created in the mosaic dataset for each scene: Panchromatic (band 8), Multispectral (bands 1 through 5 and 7), and Thermal (bands 6a and 6b). All Bands-The data is added and grouped in any or all of the processing templates that apply.For the Level 1 products, there are six processing templates: Band 8 is panchromatic and has the highest spatial resolution bands 1 through 5 and 7 are multispectral bands (blue, green, red, and infrared) and have a lower spatial resolution than the panchromatic band and bands 6a and 6b are thermal bands. For example, in Landsat 7 ETM+ Level 1 products, there are nine bands. These templates are specific to the type of data in each band. You can further refine how your data is added and processed by defining a processing template. Each of these options maps directly to a product provided by the vendor. For example, for QuickBird imagery, you can choose All, Basic, Standard, Standard Orthoready, and Orthorectified. However, if you only want to add specific products to your mosaic dataset, choose the appropriate product type.

This adds all your particular data, no matter how it was provided by the vendor.

You have the option to add all product types if you are unfamiliar with your data. You can refine each raster type below by defining the product type. There are several defaults, but you can further modify these and save them for your own use at another time. There are many satellite sensor products to choose from, and each has properties you can refine to modify the processing applied to the imagery when it's added to a mosaic dataset.