To select multiple messages press and hold the shift key as you select additional messages.
Now you can select any duplicate messages to remove or sort them. Confirm that the original and the duplicate have unique dates. You should now be able to scroll through your messages and find duplicates adjacent to the original message, since both will have been received at virtually the same time- although they will have a slightly different time stamp. For all versions drag the Modified field to the table heading in order to sort messages by date. For Office 2010 you will right-click a column heading and choose the All fields. In pre-2010 Outlook versions you will now find the Field Chooser option and select the All fields. In 2003 you will need to go to the Arrange By option first, while in 2010 you will go to Change View in the Ribbon, and click the List icon to change to a table type view. For Outlook 2002, 20 you will need to point and click on Current View, which will change the arrangement of your messages from the standard folder view to a table type view. In all versions of Outlook this will be accomplished by pointing to the View tab on the toolbar (or Ribbon for versions 2007 and newer, which use the Microsoft Office Fluent user interface). First you will need to change to a table type view. Why spend that money when doing it yourself is a relatively simple process? All you have to do is follow these steps to find any duplicate emails which may exist in your current PST file: #REMOVE DUPLICATE MESSAGES OUTLOOK EXPRESS SOFTWARE#
Many software programs exist that will automatically find duplicate emails, but these typically charge a fee after an initial trial period.
Here we will show you how to find duplicate emails in Outlook manually so you can trim down on unnecessary messages. Besides the space consumption, duplicate messages make it harder to find the emails you need and to keep track of which ones you have responded to. When the average email user receives 121 messages per day, according to the Radicati Group, this can quickly add up to take over your inbox, however. A single email message likely won’t be a terrible hindrance, but many of the issues that cause duplicate messages may cause all messages to be duplicated. If you’re a dedicated Outlook Express user, chances are you have experienced duplicate emails.